Thursday, December 21, 2006

Scene... Complete...

It was tough, but we did it. We had to battle through thunderstorms and hail, cold winds, the occassional downpour, and the searing sun, all in the space of 6 hours... but we did it. Literally, we would be filming in peace one moment and suddenly it would start raining and we'd have to run for cover. At one point I was even filming a shot in the rain, with Neil walking beside me and holding an umbrella over the camera. Some of us were on the brink of starvation, but we didn't stop until we'd finished everything... and that took a lot of determination on our part! Neil and I finished with the script at 2 a.m. which barely gave me 4 hours sleep. And that didn't help.

In spite of all that, I've finished editing the footage and I've gotta say... that scene is now one of my favourites... although it is not yet complete - we still have to film the first part on a boat.

Yesterday was our first time filming with Hollie, so that was interesting. Sadly it was also our last time (for a looong time at least) filming with Charlotte. Neil came down to help with behind the scenes stuff, which really sped things up. Behind the scenes stuff really means helping carry the stuff around and quickly hiding objects before we start filming and generally making life easier for us all. He was also the only one who brought an umbrella... We had our final After Filming Meal together at Caesar's restaurant, snapped a couple of photos, and that was it.

1 comment:

Cloud said...

Charlotte's gone!!! She's gone!!!! Noooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! :'(
Sigh, I'm gonna miss her.