An Update!
Few updates. I went over to Ann's house with Neil to dub her lines from the garden scene. Then we drove to Ian's house and did his. I've put the scene together and it's come quite good. It's our first fully dubbed scene, from voices to background sound, but it came good. In fact, the sound quality is probably the best we've got in the whole film so we're probably going to start doing all scenes like this from now on.
However, dubbing will bring about problems in its own way. The lines must be synchronised with the person's mouth. The tone of the voice must match the actor's expressions. Also it means it will take up more space on my computer... something which we are soon out of.
This coming Sunday we should be going back to Mdina to redo the talking scene with a new and improved script... It's not surprising really, seeing as the previous script was written past midnight the night before after coming back from a meal with friends...
Also I finally heard back from the filter people! My filter should be arriving pretty soon. It's called a Day For Night filter, and basically arranges sunlight to look like moonlight, so soon we can start have night time scenes! Can't wait! Although we don't really need it for Blood Money, but a lot of the sequel is set at night.
Anyway, that's all for now. Keep checking for more updates!
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