Friday, September 12, 2008


Whew! This blog has not gotten any updates for quite awhile. This doesn't mean we've stopped working though! Since our last post we have produced a short movie. In my opinion its the best piece of work we've done so far. The movie is called 'Cadence' and it stars Ann DeGaetano (from local rock band Slur and also of 'Blood Money' fame ;) ) as Hannah.

Hannah is a born musician whose virtuosity is laid bare on the keys of her softly played piano. Her genius is about to get her into a prestigous music academy when she contracts a hearing disorder that slowly starts to rob her of her passion. As her hearing grows weaker and weaker, we see our protagonist in the throe's of her last remaining notes.

How will she play them out?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You left out the bit: "Get a copy of the film to find out!!"