Neil said I should start to write a blog about the film, might as well. Then i'll be able to read this in a few months and laugh heheh.
Ok, currently trying to figure out when how we're going to film a scene this Sunday, hang on.. the 'Beggar scene'. Ok, Adam can make it (I think). Thought we were going to have a problem. shew.
So this is, I think, the 14th month of filming... I'm planning to finish it off by the end of this year. I remember telling Yolande, an old friend of mine, last year that the film would be done for Christmas (that is Christmas '05). So, I kind of misjudged.
Am currently trying to plan the scene where Jake and Sean have a little talk.. filming it in 2 days (supposedly) and I don't know where we're doing it or what they''re gonna say... but the fact that we know we're filming on Sat morning is quite organised for us.
hmmmmmmmmmm... today my RW dvd broke but I fixed it..
Filming is now restricted to weekends due to school. Already got a dilemma for next week. Ann can only film on Saturdays and this Saturday she has band practice. So we agreed to film the next Saturday. but now I find out I have chris' birthday on Saturday.. hopefully he'll manage to shift his birthday to Sunday instead.... If not, oh well (Neils Note: Yeah...birthdays come every year)
There is never a day in filming where everything runs smoothly. Never. No one would believe the amount of problems that crop up each time we meet... for example, and this is a small, minor thing compared to other things that occur. Last Sat we filmed at Ann's grandmas' place.
Matt and Ian had to be in suits, but Matt accidently left his shirt at home. so we couldnt film Matt and Ian together in the same shot at some angles, and they had to keep swapping the shirts for some shots, etc... thank God Ann's grandma was kind and fed us and let us stay till we were 'bout to drop dead with exhaustion.. we were there for about 7 hours i think.. (Neils Note: Yep)
Oh, another problem. on Sunday, If and when we do film the beggar scene, Aaron can only come for 2 hours... last time we filmed this scene (Yes, we're re-doing it) it took us 6 hours. but I have a cunning plan that should work.. I hope.
Oh yeah, we got arrested last Sunday while filming at Ghajn
Tuffieha. Well actually, it was after we filmed. We were sitting at the bar when these two policemen arrived and walked down to the beach. So we got up and watched them and filmed them a bit, waiting and hoping for them to deliver some swift justice to whoever was foolish enough to disturb the peace. But, nothing happend, they just wanderd around the beach for a couple of minutes, so we lost interest. We we're about to leave when we see them walking towards us in the distance. I was like "They're coming for us ta", but laughing, 'cos I didn't really believe it.
So, they arrive, and they ask to search my bag. they find my BB gun. I got a shock cos I forgot I had it in my bag. They then threw me to the ground and cuffed me.. ok no, but they searched the others, and didnt find an army knife in chris' pocket. (Neil's note: It was a pen knife, but chris' is pretty dangerous with it anyway.)
Anyway I dont want to go over the details 'cos it makes me angry. But me and Neil went in a police car to a police station where i was let off.. (Neils Note: -_- )
Currently seeing what Adam is going to wear for the Scene on Sunday (I'm chatting online atm).. And where we going to do the scene on Sat. I dont think Adam knows how much of the scene I want to redo on Sunday..
Ok I think i'll end it here. I'll post again after filming.
November 9th - 8:34PM