Thursday, November 23, 2006

News Flash

Alan just spoke to me. Tomorrow afternoon is our last chance to film the scene at his uncle's house! Weekend we cannot, plus on Sunday he is removing the furniture from upstairs.

Adam has a lesson at 4:30.
Neil finishes from Mcast at 4:30.
We have till 7 o'clock latest there.
We cannot go earlier, as Alan and Chris would be at Univerisity.

If it was at all possible, we would do it on another day. But it isn't. So, this is what we're going to have to do:

Chris and I will go at 4:30 and do his part of the scene, which should take the majority of our time. Now the question is till what time Adam has his lesson. If it is till 6; no problem - he'll have to come straight to Alan and we do his and Neil's bit. If it is till 6:30... we're going to have to hurry.

Still have to discuss this with Neil and Adam, but it's our only choice, literally...


Found out Ann's grandparents aren't living in their mellieha home at the moment, so filming next Saturday is going to have to be postponed till the Saturday after. But I think Ian said that that is the only Saturday he won't make it, so....

1 comment:

Cloud said...

Just been informed on the situation. We've come up with a three part plan and think we might be able to pull it off. We have the time, it's just a skin-tight fit.

Instead of trying to see what specific problems we might be faced with and the solutions to them, we're just getting ready for problems. Period.