Another Notch on His Camera
We filmed.
Time is 1:40am. Was just editing the scene where Neil and Adam's characters talk... Today we filmed Charlotte's part of the phonecall. Came very good. Overall, I'd say a pretty successful weekend for the film... We should be meeting again sometime during the week to film Adam and Charlotte's talking scene... and hopefully this weekend we'll be arranging the scene with Ann and Ian...
Still gotta decide what we going to film on Sunday. Hopefully the 'Beggar chase', if Aaaron can make it. I really want to finish the film before Charlotte goes abroad so we can all watch it together... if we continue this way, it may be a possibility... if not, we'll take it up with us to England when we visit :P
Hmm.. Neil made a handy website to help organise our filming days etc... still have to learn how to use it. (Neil's Note: Please note that that's a comment on Jame's IT skills and not my web design skills =P )
Filming at Mdina went well on Saturday. We had loads of disturbances... cranes, construction sounds, crowds, old ladies banging their doormats against the wall, loud televisions, did I mention crowds of tourists? But we managed...
That's it for now...
November 13th - 12:49PM
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