It's Only Making a Film
Another week gone by. Actually since we're talking in filming terms here, weekEND, since those are the only days most actors are able to film. Very, very soon we're going to have a teaser/trailer up!! It's a teaser really because apparently we didn't have enough footage to make a proper trailer (...we've only been filming for 14 months, you see?).
Today we might have made a contact within the local public TV sector. We're all a bit excited about it but trying to tell ourselves that we won't be millionaires by this coming Wednesday. Especially since today is almost over.
Last night we were discussing starting a new film, but decided to stick with our current project and our plans for its sequel. Our current project is really just that, a project we started to teach ourselves all about filming a movie. Well...ok, we didn't initially set out to teach ourselves (back then we knew it all already). But along the way we've learnt how to act (or at least the meaning of it), work with a camera, edit footage, write scripts, manage schedules, time and people. We've learnt what constitutes a problem to shooting a scene (everything!), that six hours filming to three minutes edited footage is a good ratio. And we now understand the value of inspiration, dedication, motivation and hard work. [James' Note: We still have to learn the meaning of deadline.]
We won't stop learning the meaning of creativity and we will never forget the feeling of expressing it.
hey all you guys,
I'm Neil's friend from school, and when he told me about your project I became curious on what ure doin here and I tought I'll give the site a visit. I must say, your work is incredible! uve really all got the feel, I was amazed when I saw the teaser, it was so good I watched it about five times and never got fed of it. Btw, uve got excellent video editing and all your acting is very realistic. I'm sure youve all put hard work into it. Wish you the best of luck and hope to see you on a local tv channel soon.
Best of luck,
Chris Mallia
hey guys
Anthony Attard speaking...well done about all this...the teaser is fantastic so that must mean the film is wwwhhhooooaaaaaa as i'm sure it is....It's coming out in Christmas 2005 ux James :P (just joking)...
it looks realistic, original, well acted and directed and I can't wait to see it.
Goodluck with the rest of filming.
Thank's for the compliments guys =)
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